Department of plant physiology


The study of plant physiology in Tajikistan as a science began in 1951. The first scientific institutions that worked in the field of plant physiology were the Department of Plant Physiology of the Institute of Botany of the Republic of Tajikistan (1951) and the Department of Plant Physiology of the Tajik State University, now the Tajikistan national university (1954).

The Department of Plant Physiology was established in 1954, and its first head was Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor Chuvaev Porfiry Porfiryevich (1954-1955). In the future, the heads of the department in different periods of its activity were candidates of biological sciences, associate professors: Kaminskaya M.A. (1955-1962), Shcheglova V.F. (1962-1975), Nimatjonova K.N. (1975-1986), S.A. Bobozhonov. (1986-1992), M.A. Bobozhonov. (1992-2009) Saifudinov A.K. (2009-2018), Kiyomzoda Z.S. (from January 2019 to September 2020) and from September 2020 on this side Kholova Sh.S.  is responsible for the management of the department. 

During its existence the department has trained many scientists in the field of plant biology and physiology.

Since the first period of the department’s formation, outstanding scientists of the former All-Union, such as Nikolai Vladimirovich Timofeev-Risovsky, A.A. Significant contributions were made by Nichiporovichi, Adolf Trofimovich Mokronosov, Alla Karlovna Romanova, Valin Ilyich Kefeli and many others.    

In 1988, the research laboratory “Fermentology” was established at the department, the head of which was M.A. Babajonova  led. 

By commissioning such a research laboratory at the department, in the future one of its research areas is to study the features of the functional structure of the primary photosynthesis enzymes in plant forms that differ in productivity. Based on the scientific results obtained, the department presented new ideas about the primary enzymes of photosynthesis.

Science presents the results of obtaining multi-enzyme complexes by enzymes and determining tests for plant breeding. On the scientific topic of this area of research, teachers and staff of the department published more than 250 lists of scientific papers in foreign publications, former all-Union publications, in republican and general university publications.

Under the direct supervision of M.A. Candidate’s dissertations of Bakaeva Natalya Pavlovna, candidate’s dissertations of Akobir Karimovich Mirzorakhimov, Makhmadtoir Saidovich Narzulloev and Khosiyat Tazhiboeva were defended. Bobozhonova M.A. He is the founder of the country’s first and only school of enzymologists, which today has received worldwide fame, and he was himself elected a corresponding member of the New York Academy of Science  

The teachers of the department made scientific presentations at international and republican congresses, congresses, conferences and symposiums of physiologists, biochemists and geneticists.

Among the graduates of the department are well-known scientists of the republic and the best teachers of the university, such as academician of the AI RT, Professor Polod Dzhuraevich Usmonov, corresponding member of the AI RT, professors: K.A. Aliev and M.M. Yakubov, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor K.N. Nimatjonova, S.N. Makhmadbekov, Rakhmihudoev G., happy associate professors of the department A.R. Egamberdiev, D.T. Tolibekov and some others can be named, who made a significant contribution to the construction of the Tajik biological science and the training of hundreds of highly qualified specialists.

To date, among the teachers of the department and the faculty there are graduates, such as professors: Bobozhonova M.A., Ergashev A., Doctor of Biological Sciences, Mirzorakhimov A.K., candidates of biological sciences, associate professors: Narzulloev M.S., Saifudinov A.K., Saidalizoda S.F., senior lecturer: Nimatova N. and assistants: Usmonova N.S., Salomiyon K.M. and Shekhvaliyev R., who show their scientific and pedagogical activities.  


The main processes of research work:

  • Research of physiological and biochemical processes of agricultural plants (cotton, wheat, sunflower, Jerusalem artichoke, barley, potatoes, soybeans, sesame, etc.).
  •  Study of the activity of multienzyme complexes of the dark cycle of photosynthesis (Calvin cycle).
  •  Study of the processes of germination and development of various plants and ways of managing them (chemical, physical methods).


The department trains specialists in the specialty “Plant Physiology”. Graduate qualification – bachelor – teacher.

The training of students in the field of plant physiology is organized on the basis of modern requirements, primarily in the specialty biology in the process of plant physiology. To ensure this process of professional education, the following disciplines are taught at the department.

BACHELOR (full-time and correspondence department)

General professional disciplines

1. Physiology of plants;

2. Physiology and ecology of plants;

3. General biology;

4. Medical biology;

5. Microbiology;

Specialized disciplines:

1. Physiology of the plant cell;

2. Photosynthesis;

3. Plant respiration;

4. Mineral nutrition of plants;

5. Water exchange in plants;

6. Growth and development of plants;

7. Phytohormones;

8. Plant resistance;

9. Enzymology;

10. Great practice.

MASTER (full-time and correspondence department)

direction “Plant Physiology”

1. Virology.

Centers, classrooms, laboratories: 

The department is equipped with modern classrooms, there is another laboratory that provides students with new information about the physiological processes occurring in plants.


The department works with doctoral students and applicants in the specialty 03.05.01 – “Plant Physiology and Biochemistry”.

The department has two doctors of philosophy (Ph.D), specializing in research work, and teachers.

1. Usmonova Nigina Solekhovna – her scientific work is close to completion.

2. Khaitmatova Mohira – 1st year doctoral student – Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in her specialty.


Kholova Sharifamo Saidahtamovna
Head of department
phone: +992550-05-54-88

Kholova Sharifamo Saidahtamovna born on august 24, 1978 in the city of Kulob. After graduating from high school in 1995, he entered the Kulob State University named after A. Rudaki, from which he graduated in 2001. From 2008 to 2010, he worked and is working as a teacher at secondary school No. 2 in the city of Kulyab. In 2010, he worked as an assistant at the Department of Botany, Faculty of Biology, TNU. In 2016-2019, she served as head of the Council of Women and Girls of the Faculty. In 2019, he defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic “Biological features of some representatives of the Cucurbitaceae Juss family and their introduction in Central Tajikistan.” Since September 2020, head of the Department of Plant Physiology. During his scientific activity he is the author of more than 100 scientific articles and 1 monograph.

Bobojonova Muhabbat Abdurakhmonova
doctor of biological sciences, professor
phone: 2217432

Babajanova Muhabbat Abdurakhmanova Born on June 27, 1939 in the city of Khujand, Sughd region. In 1956, he entered the biology and soil faculty of Leningrad State University (now St. Petersburg State University), graduating in 1961. In 1961-1964 he was a post-graduate student of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan. In 1964-1972 he worked as a junior researcher at the Research Institute of Plant Physiology and Biophysics of the Academy of Sciences of the Tajik SSR (Institute of Plant Physiology and Genetics of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan). In 1972-1974, he worked as a senior lecturer in the Department of Plant Physiology of the TSU. IN AND. Lenin (now TNU). In 1974-1988 – Associate Professor of the Department of Biochemistry and Head of the Scientific Group “Fermentology” of the Department of Biochemistry. In 1988, he began working as an assistant professor at the Department of Plant Physiology, and under his leadership, the Fermentology Research Laboratory was established at the Department of Plant Physiology. Babadzhanova M.A., from 1992 to 2009 she worked as the head of the department. He is the author of more than 300 scientific articles, 3 manuals, supervisor of 4 candidate and 3 doctoral dissertations. From 1962 to the present – head of the scientific work of the department on the topic “Physiological and biochemical mechanisms of action of photosynthesis enzymes associated with plant productivity”.

Ergashev Abdullojan
doctor of biological sciences, professor
phone: +992 988311408

Ergashev Abdullojan. Born on June 2, 1942 in the city of Kanibadam, Sughd region. In 1948-1964 he graduated from the full-time department of the Pedagogical Institute named after S.M. Kirov in Leninabad (now the Sughd region). In 1964-1969 he was a senior laboratory assistant at the Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan. From 1975 to 1982 he worked and works as a senior researcher and head of the agronomic research laboratory of this research institute. In 1982-1991 he was deputy head of the Department of Agricultural Sciences and Assistance of the Ministry of Agriculture and the State Agro-Industrial Committee of the Republic of Tatarstan. During his career, he worked in various positions: in 1991-1993 he worked as Deputy General Director of the Scientific and Production Association “Ziroatkor” of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences of Tajikistan. In 1993-1995 he worked as the head of the regional development department of the Ministry of Economy and International Relations of the Republic of Tajikistan, in 1995-2000 as the head of the organizational and coordinating department of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences of Tajikistan, in 2000-2003. worked as an employee of the Ministry of Land Reclamation and Water Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan. In 2003-2005 he was a professor at the Department of Ecology at the National University of Tajikistan. In 2005-2007, he worked as a professor at the Department of Physiology of Agricultural Plants at the Faisalabad Agricultural University of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and taught profile subjects to students. Since 2007 he has been working as a professor at the Department of Plant Physiology of TNU. It should be noted that for his scientific and pedagogical activity he was the author of more than 250 scientific and methodological works and articles, 8 manuals and supervisor of 8 Ph.D. theses.

Nimatova Norbibi
senior teacher of the department
phone: +992985-05-41-55

Nimatova Norbibi. Born on 29.06.1947 in the Ashta district of the Sughd region. In 1969 he entered the Tajik State University named after V.I. Lenin (now TNU) and graduated in 1975 with good grades. He began his career in 1974 as a laboratory assistant of the department, from 1979 to 1983 he worked as the head of the educational laboratory of the department. From 1999 to 2014 he worked as the chairman of the Council of Women and Girls of the Faculty. In 2010-2015 he worked as Deputy Dean for educational work. Now he works as a senior lecturer in the department. She is the author of more than 30 articles and publications, 2 inventions.

Saidalizoda Saidvali Faizali
Candidate of biological sciences
Phone: +992907-98-94-95

Saidalizoda Saidvali Faizali . Born on 11.10.1989 in the city of Vahdat. In 2007-2012 he studied at the full-time department of the biological faculty of the National University of Tajikistan. From 2012 to 2013 he worked as a laboratory assistant at the Department of Plant Physiology and Biotechnology. He began his teaching career in 2013 as an assistant to the department. In 2020, he successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic “The activity of photosynthetic enzymes associated with the salt tolerance of potato genotypes in vitro and in vivo”. Throughout his career, he has worked in various positions within the faculty. In 2017-2018, he worked as Deputy Dean for Educational Work, from September 2018 to 2019 as Deputy Dean for Educational Work of the Faculty of Biology, and since 2020, the Scientific Supervisor of the Medical Faculty of the National University of Tajikistan. She is the author of 1 monograph, 1 invention, 3 manuals and more than 50 publications and scientific articles.

Usmonova Nigina Solehovna
Department assistant
phone: +992937-80-07-14

Usmonova Nigina Solehovna . Born on 14.07.1980 in the Panj region. After graduating from high school, in 1997, he applied to the Faculty of Biology of the National University of Tajikistan and graduated in 2001. In 2002, he applied to the magistracy of the Faculty of Biology of Moscow State University with a degree in plant physiology, from which he graduated in 2004. Since 2005 he has been working as a laboratory assistant of the department. Since September 2008, he began teaching as an assistant to the department. She is the author of more than 10 scientific articles and publications.

Salomiyon Komron
Department Assistant
phone: (+992) 501-24-68-68;

Salomiyon Komron. He was born on December 29, 1995 in the Hamadoni region. In 2014 he graduated from the Natural and Mathematical Lyceum of the National University of Tajikistan. In 2014, he was a full-time student at the Faculty of Biology of TNU, graduating in 2019. He began his career in 2018 as a laboratory assistant at the Department of Plant Physiology of the Faculty of Biology. Since September 2020, he has been working as an assistant to the department. He is the author of more than 8 scientific and technical articles.